Thursday, January 13, 2011

Using Tone in Your Writing

We have been working with tone for the last few weeks in class, and it is time to start utilizing tone in your writing.

Before we begin, please recall that tone is the overall “attitude” or “feel” of a writing piece. Tone is made up of three main components: 1) Diction 2) Imagery 3) Figurative language. So, as you complete the task listed below be sure to utilize these three writing strategies.

Your Task Today:
Compose a blog entry in which you utilize tone. Describe a time you and a friend went to a sporting event that started off really fun, but quickly turned sour. Write two paragraphs. The first paragraph should be in a “happy” tone and the second in a “negative” or “upset tone.” Use Diction, Imagery, and Figurative Language to create the tone.

(Note: If you cannot think of a time when you and your friends went to a sporting event, make one up!)

Rubric for Writing in Tone:
Proficient – 2 paragraphs entered in class blog about their experience in a sports event, the 1st paragraph is composed in a happy tone, the second in a sad tone – students should utilize words, images, and fig language to create a specific tone, each paragraph is a least 5 sentences.

Non- Proficient – less than 2 paragraphs, paragraphs do not differ in tone, and students do not use words, images, and fig language to their advantage, each paragraph is less than 5 sentences.


m.delrossi said...

i like this blog because anything can happen in the first-second paragraph. like up there it said that the first paragraph has to be happy&the second negative. So it can start out happy&good and then something just didnt click or wprk out correctly.

miguel malave said...

i remeber one trip last year the automotive class went on a field trip to the english town race track. it was me and my group of friends just hanging out. we sat in the bleachers and watched the cars race was a sort of drag race.
then as the day went on it got more and more interesting.then after we got our food we went back to the race had started of normal. the cars would go no less than 200 mph. but one driver went 278 mph and he ended up crashing n later in the da he was announced dead. it was sad to see someone die doing somthing that was so entertaining. of all things to happin that day that was the last thing i planed for. that was the only time i had a bad day with a friend.

Alex R said...

Me and my friends went to a football game at my school, it started off great, people were screaming laughing and having a good time. The Tiger's were creaming the Falcons. My friends and I were laughing at the pathetic game. Then we started throwing drinks and food at the other team, it was so funny.

Then it all started going bad when a guy got in my face saying his team is way better then mine. Then I pushed him out my way and he triped over my friends foot and he started laughing at him, till he swang at my friend but he dipped it so fast the dude didn't see it coming, pow a right upper cut right to his jaw, laid him right out. Then security came and started fightin with us so we had to bolt faster then lighting. We were in the car and gone so fast. What a crazyyy night.

Sara D said...

Once my whole cheerleading team and I went to the eagles game to tailgate. We had to sell candy bars and lollipops for cheerleading. We were having a lot of fun and selling a lot. We threw my Rachel up in the air and did very high spirited and noticeable cheers and stunts so more people would come buy.
Then another team came and they started selling stuff on the other side of the stadium that we didnt get to yet. They sold to all that side. Then saw us screaming cheers so they started cheering right across from us.

J Green said...

This happend to me eveytime playing football for ex. last weekend on sunday my friend and I were playing at the park eveything was going well, bodies flying every were. The ball was like the moment of my life. no matter what happend I whated to hit and run over everything in my path.
It was a cold chill and as soon

Bridgette Smith said...

One cold and weary night me and my sister decided to watch a horror movie. It was called “Dead Silence”, but no silence was there during the movie. The whole night while watching the movie we could not hold back our screaehes of fear for the people in it. So after the movie was over we went to our rooms. Then as I was about to shut my door I heard a high piched screech. So I went to go see wat it was my sister jumed out at me and scare me from then on I slept with my bedroom light on. So one day I started ploting for revenge on here. So I was ready for here one day when she came home from school. So I blew the power in her room soo she would have to go into the basement to put it back o. I was waitng behind the door and when she went down there I shut the door and turned out the light. But she got so scared she started going crazy trying to open the door she fell down the steps. Then when I finally opened the door I seen that she busted her knee and there was blood every where.