Friday, February 11, 2011

All for one, one vs all?

Often times in our society, people act different when they are amongst their peers. This is similar to what happens in All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury, when all of the students gang up on Margot to put her in the closet.

For this blog entry, consider the following questions:
  1. How important is the group feeling for the plot of this story?
  2. Do you think that the children would have treated Margot as they did if there had not been many against one?
  3. What has your own experience, or your reading of this piece, shown you about group behavior versus individual behavior?
  4. What are the dangers – both in the story and real life – of being a part of big groups?

Proficient – all questions thoroughly answered, each answer is supported with evidence from the text or your life that is cited, each answered with 4 – 6 sentences
Non-proficient – all questions are not answered, each answers lacks support with evidence, answers are less than 4 sentences


Sara D said...

1. The group of students feel big and important for picking on Margot. They feel like putting her down is making them feel better about themselves.
2. No I dont think they would have treated Margot that way because if someone was on Margot's side they would have stood up for her. It would have been 2 against all instead if all against 1.
3. Reading this piece made me realize to stick up for people so it is not all verse that one person.
4. In the story the danger is you feel the need to follow along with the group same in real life. If more people stood up for the person being picked on in the big group other people would start to follow.

m.delrossi said...

1-Everybody feels bad for putting Margot in the closet. Margot never got to see the sun.
2-I don't know really because I wasn't in their place. But if I was I think that they would treat each other the same.
3-Everybody had different behaviors but the most was scared&excited.Scared because nobody knew where Margot was&the loud banging going on.Excited because all the kids were happy to find Margot and descovier that the banging was her.
4-Anything can happen but if I followed a group it would probaly be dangerous because some people don't know or understand what to do when lost or confused.

east side banger said...

i believe dat she lied to them when in fact she didnt. the reason all the kids put her in the closet is because when you are mad or sad you tend not to think and do the first thing you are told to do. when william told them to push her in the closet they followed him because they thought that would help the problem,they were wrong. its like monkey see monkey do.

D.O said...

1.I think that it would have changed the stor because it would be 1 on 1.It woulda been more fair.Also things mite not have ben so bad bcaause there wasnt so much kids to help the kid mess with margret.Maybe she would have had a change and no been messed with that much. she could have defended herself better.

2.No i dnt think that they would have treated her differnetly.Juzt because no matatter what they did it because she was different.If she woould have people on her side it really wouldnt make a differnece.

3.Really what i learned about this reading experience is that people arnt always the same when there by themselves then when there with a group of people.I think this is true because it the same in life. People are likke that because their always tring to fit in ith some group that is rally not like themselves, so when their with hat group they act to have a differnet attitude to fit in but then when their by theselves they act the way they are.Reallu i think nomatter what you should act like yourself be who you really are.

4.Sometimes the danger of this is trying to fit inwith people that u dont really know. What i men by that is like you not knowing what the do after school. things that you mite not really wanna get into juzt because thats not really you

Quay said...

In some way this blog is true somethimes i do act different around my peers. The reason for this is for the fact that, you only can be acounted for your own actions. I mean I'm acounted for what i do.
I think thst the children in that short story will fell lonley and to their self's if they were apart of the plot. I dont think that any child will aprove to being picked on.



"All for one and one vs. all"

1.)In this story the groups feelings as a one makes the reader feel sorry for the girl. Everbody in the class made fun of her for being diffent. To the point that they put her in the closet.

2.) I do not believe that the childern would of did the same mainly cause if one would of stood up and said something margot won't be alone.

3.)From my back round reading this story seems very vaild. Groups will defend there people and if one leaves, that one will be outcasted for there action.

4.)The big dangers of both is being picked on, fighting, and your on emotions. It depends on how you take whats going on within your group.If your being picked on thats battles that you take in your own way..

Mrs.Bartlett was here

Bridgette Smith said...

How important is the group feeling for the plot of this story?
If they would of never tessed her like with everyone else the story would of ben diffrent. So it is very important.

Do you think that the children would have treated Margot as they did if there had not been many against one?
No, because if there was less people teasing her others would of never goined in and tessed her too.

What has your own experience, or your reading of this piece, shown you about group behavior versus individual behavior?
If others see it happening the will do i too or find it funny and laugh about it. So I believe that if its not happening it would be less of this kind of behavior around.

What are the dangers – both in the story and real life – of being a part of big groups?
That what people in the group that your in are doing you will follow them and do it too.

Darien Stewart said...

due to technical difficulties this blog cannot be posted please try again later or ask pedro what happened and he might tell you