Thursday, March 3, 2011

What can YOU do?

There are many things going on in the world today - many of which you have great interest in! Your task today is to find an article that deals with something you care about in the world and post it on the blog. The article that you find should be from one of the websites on the “Popular News” website on the side bar.

Once you have your article, post a link to it on the blog below and answer the following questions:

  1. What does you article deal with? What is the overall topic?
  2. Why is this topic/issue important to you?
  3. Why should others care about this topic?

Be sure to use effective sentences, subject verb agreement, and be thorough (8+ sentences, each!) with your answers!


m.delrossi said...

The article i picked Was a Colorado Killing of Two parents that was shot and the boy was blamed. The police blamed a 12 year old boy for murder, that's just plain wrong. The boy is 12 doesn't have enough gutts to kill is own parents and for what reason.The shouldn't blame the 12 year old boy for murder until they find out the truth. Just because the boy called 911 and said there waqs a shooting in my house, doesn't mean the boy shot his family. There could have been a robbery or a hit and run. A 12 year old is to young to be using a gun and to be going to juvey. If the police have no proof that there was or wasn't another killer/shooter, then they can not blame the 12 year old boy for murder.
My english teacher always said that, "If you make an opinon, you must have proof and/or back-up your reason with facts. Never start a essay/story with out facts and/or without a back-up reason. You need to pull information from the story to provide feed-back to explain why that is your opinon.

Mr. Stag said...

Madison, this is great entry! I love the reference to the importance of backing up your evidence with proof. I do have one question: why should other students (or people around the world) care about this particular topic? How could/does something like this affect ours society as a whole?

m.delrossi said...

1-I picked an article about a 12 year old boy accused of murder.
2-It is important because to me it's not fair to blame a 12 year old for murder with out proof that he did. I t also isn't fair because the boy just say his family dead on the floor and have to go some where else new.
3-Other shloud care because if you imagne yourself in there positioin and didn't like then you would understand that it isn't fair for a 12 year old boy got accused of murder.

Alex R said...

This article is about Charlie Sheen getting fired from "Two and a Half Men" the Tv show. It is important to me because it shows how rude, nosey, and bad the press is. They tried to stop him from living the life he chose to live, and they took everything from him, his money, his job, probably soon to be his complete life style and house. What the world fights for is what the world gets even if its non of their business. The world has become a horrible place because of things like this. Other people should care about this to because Charlie's fun ruined his life because his boss thinks its best for him not to drink and party. He forces his crappy misrible life style onto Charlie. This is whats wrong with American and the press.