Thursday, April 21, 2011

Et tu - Students?

Time has come for Spring Break 2011, and we would like you to take this time to self-reflect on the past year, specifically in English class. We want you to take a moment and think about some of the things you have learned and how they can affect your life. Remember, we don’t teach you all of the things we do for no reason!

With all of these things in mind, we would like you to think about your upcoming spring break and brainstorm some ideas in which you could incorporate some of the things from English class into your break. Perhaps you could read a bit each day; perhaps you could notice ethos, pathos, and logos in your life.

Your Task Today:
Compose a 3 paragraph entry (minimum 5 sentences each) in which you discuss possible ways you can incorporate the skills learned in English class into your break.


Alex R said...

Over break I can use my English skills to get money, get a job, and have fun. Using Ethos, Pathos and Logos I can convince people into doing what I want, and making them believe you have good logic.

I'm also going to use these skills to begin writing my next story. Shakespear is very helpful when thinking about composing a story.

I will also think about Mr. Stag when I'm writing my torture scenes in my new story, this will bring out a lot of extra hatred and sorrow as I write. Haha jk Stagzz

Aquino, Aileen said...

Well their are so many things I would like to accomplishe in my life. I would like to better my future especially now today. I have goals and dreams that I have set for myself. I am a 16 year old going on 17 in june I'm in high school going to be a junior. I want to be in criminal justice I always wished with entering the fource to surve and protect inocsence.

Since I was a little girl I always looked up to officers especially when half of my family are in the fource ether than in Puerto Rico or here in New Jersey. I take School of leadership also knowed as(ROTC) I always had the though of being in the military but honestly I am not ready the though of dying and living a family behind honts me all the time. With that said yes I also wish to have a great wonderfull family in the future I hope to get married and have children. I want my kids to look up to me and be proud and I of myself. Two years of college if a county cop four years of college if State trooper but i chose State.

Then again their are so many choises in law inforcement that I mainly like I would like officer, judge, lawyer or detective nothing else. I want to get married have my children try to live my life as long as I can and to the fulest. I just hope I accomplishe my dreams and goals cause honestly I cant say all reaching the stars is what I want even dough sometimes it may seem as it does not matter to me.