Friday, May 20, 2011

Understatements are somewhat interesting

Your task today is to compose a short blog entry and to utilize understatements in your writing. Be sure to consider the positive and negative connotations of the words you use as you write.

The topic of your writing is “Staying Smart through Summer”


Fivee' said...

Understatements are somewhat interesting? Funny. They are automatically interesting. That is an undrstatement there. Understatements are somethings that are said, but seems like it isin't such a big deal. For example, when you go to a diner. You eat and the bill comes up to $1,000. You say "Oh, that's chump change." $1,000 for a meal! You're crazy!

Darien said...

Staying smart through summer to me is like not forgetting the work you did during this year. And going to school and have forgotten everything you learned last year. You know cause it was only like 3 months ago how could you possibly not remember all the work from all whole year and then remember all the new stuff they try to teach you too.

Miki J said...

"Staying smart through summer." What a dull topic. Isn't the time were your not supposed to think? You know, go out late at night with some friends, act like an idiot come home sleep it off on the sofa, and do it again the next day. Your only going through a sugar hangover. All night drinking rootbeer and eating pixie sticks. Now intellegence doesn't aply to the smallest decision because it's so minor Mommy and Daddy can cover for you. The trouvle never ceases but your just a kid. I'm a genius. yes, I know. Love the summer, keep the studying for september through may.

Alex R said...

I was walking down the street and some guy stopped me, he told me my suit looked nice and fit but I wore it wrong. I didn't know what he meant by it but I said yeah it's made of all money. He said, your a poor man, you can't aford a nice suit like that, I only see u on T.V. like everyday. So that's why ur talking to me, because I'm on advertisements. So I smacked him with my stacks of money bigger then his head. He told me I only had a little money, I only smacked him with like 2 million.