Friday, May 6, 2011

Walking in Antony's Shoes

As you know, we have been reading William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, a play that deals with major human issues like loyalty, revenge, and power. We just finished the death of Julius Caesar and Mark Anonty’s speech to the people of Rome, a speech that is so heavily laced with irony and the rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos) that it convinced all of the citizens to believe in his cause. Today, you will be comparing yourself to Mark Antony.

Your Task Today:
Rewrite Anonty’s speech from Act III, Scene II in modern language.

Steps to Take/Questions to Consider:
Step 1
- Think about Anonty’s Position. What would you do if you were in his shoes?
Step 2 – Re-read and evaluate Anonty’s speech. How would this speech be different if it were given today?
Step 3 – Rewrite the speech in today’s language as YOU would write it. How can you convert the speech to today’s language while still maintaining the heavy uses of irony and ethos, pathos, and logos?

Rubric for Assignment:
– the speech is rewritten in modern language, yet still maintains the major points and integrity of the speech, the re-written speech is at least 3 paragraphs long and is well-written with proper grammar and strong vocabulary words
Non-Proficient – The speech is not rewritten in modern language, nor does it maintain the major points or integrity of the speech, the speech is less than 3 paragraphs and does not use proper grammar or a strong vocabulary

Bonus Question (only to be answer if speech is re-written) – In Julius Caesar, Brutus is able to convince the “ignorant masses” relatively quickly, and then Antony is able to convince them just as quickly to agree with him, a completely opposite opinion. With this is mind, what do you think Shakespeare is saying about the rhetoric in our lives?


tyrone said...

Ayo Bros,Sises,and Families,hear me out;
im here today to bury Caesar,not to look up to em.
you live by the sword you die by the sword;
and the good...they alwasys get done over.
So leave this boul alone.that guy Brutus told you that Caesar was this and that but you never know who to listen to.
believe half of what you see and forget what you heard;
Caesar paid for whatever he has done.
with permission from the rest of em who are so called "honorable men."
im here today to speak about Caesar's funeral.
that was my bro and he never acted fake towards me,nothing but respect man smh.
He brought other bros home to Rome who filled mational treasury.
yeah,i saw the ambitious in him.
when the people cried broke He wept.
His boul Brutus keeps sayin be was ambitious and a honorable man.
you all saw that,on the feast of the priest Lupercus.
he was a king who rocked a crown..

m.delrossi said...

Anthony Saw the useless body of Caesar and was devistated. When he walked out to say a speech to the people, Anthony ways saying that Caesar was a good man. While he is saying that, he also talk's about how Brutus is an HONORABLE MAN. But, Brutus is apart of killing Caesar and is getting called an honorable man. Anthony is trying hind his words by using Verbal Irony by lieing to the people about Caesar's Death. Situational Irony because Anthony is in a public speech situation by descrbing the death of Caesar. Also, using Dramatic Irony because Anthony is being so dramatic over his death when Anthony knew that Caesar had it coming.

Alex R said...

Fellow friends, Caesar was killed by Brutus a once noble man, he has given me the right to give this speach, and I believe Caesar was a noble man that we should honor by protecting his grave and by keeping Rome as great as it is. We shall kill those murders that killed Caesar, Charge!

Anonymous said...

Hey listen! I'm only here to put thsi guy Ceasar 6f.t. under. Nothing more. Nothing less. We all should know he wasn't a man of the best intensions. I say that evil will always live on while the good constantly is fading with all who still live by this ancient tradition that our age is so sorely lacking in. Brutus entailed that Ceasar was an ambitious man, sadly, that was a lie. Brutus is an ethical man. But Ceasar has now paid for his wrongs. Ceasar was my friend and he never treated me as anything less that feeling was mutual between us. And Ceasar was an ambitious man? Brutus is an ethical, and honorable, man. You know Ceasar couldn't of been a great ruler, ambitious rulers don't cry. But Brutus is an ethical, and honorable, man. When I gave the oppertunity for Ceasar to take the crown, did he take it? No, he rufused each and every time I offered. But Brutus, he's an honorable, and ethical, guy. I'm not here to say Brutus was wrong, I'm just here to bury Ceasar. With no reason at all you love our Ceasar, so what's stopping you from grieving now? Our current generation is loosing their respect and reason to honor something. Are we really that ignorant about those we look up to? I love Ceasar and I can't wait to stop MY grieving for his death.

purpose said...

Cherp bro!!!!!!! I come here to lay ceasar to rest not glorify him it seems like the bad people do lives on but their good is easily forgotten even with ceasar. The noble brutus said that ceasar was greedy but if this was the truth it was a false truth and ceasar paid dearly for it i stand gere with the permission of brutus and the rest of the senate to speak at ceasars funeral. he was my friend always fair and loyal to me but brutus says he was greedy and brutus is honest. ceasar brought in alot of money for this country. does that sound like greed when the poor cried ceasar cried for them. greed isnt defined by these types of actions yet brutus said he was greedy. all of yall seen when i tried to give him a crown three times nd three times he said no is that greed? yet brutus says he was greedy im not here to say brutus was a liar i can only say what i know you all loved him for a good reason. then what reasons keep you from mourning him. has everybody gone crazy, give me a second... im still shocked about wat just happened

Unknown said...

KA KA! listin up my fellow hustlers. C-dog's (caesar) dead, like twelve people shanked him twenty three times. no im not here to pole jock or nothing but he was a good bro he looked out for us when we needed a Q-pizzle or a place to stay. the dudes that did this are allready dead we got the boys on the move. but his right hand bundles (brutus)was the last to poke em up. but bunddles was a trooper and he went hard in the kitchen. bundles says C-dog was was to hungry. well i say if ya stomachs on empty you gotta eat bro. why aint yaw got yaw lighters up?! yaw feeling a little guilty? we can be civilized and talk things out not pull out for every little thing. so follow me while we march da block and we wont stop till the murkers are eight feet under!!!!!

Sara said...

Friends,Acquaintances,and Enemies lend me your ears! I came here to put Caesar in the ground not bow down to him. The evil Caesar does stays in our village but the goodness stays with him in his heart. So lets let it stay with him. Brutus is a honest good man and says Caesar was ambitious. If Brutus is right Caesar got what he deserved by being stabbed. The people that killed him allowed me to be here because they are so called good men. Im here to speak at Caesars funeral because he was a good friend and person in general but Brutus says he is ambitious and Brutus is a honest man. Caesar brought people back to our village against their will and took their money and gave it to us. Does that seem ambitious of him? When the people that have little money cried Caesar was there and cried to. I presented the crown to Caesar 3 times and he didn't take it and Brutus called him ambitious and Brutus is a good and honest man. I don't think what Brutus said is wrong I just think I am right.You all loved him before and had many reasons. So what reasons keep you from grieving over him? You guys are turning into greedy selfish men for not crying. I will always remember Caesar.

m.delrossi said...

People of Rome, Citizens, May i have your attention. My Dear friend Caesar was a very close friend to me. I am devistated that Caesar has gone away.But my Nobal Brutus here has told me things. Here is your great Caesar on a death plate. Not breathing, no moving, not anything. But my Brutus has been enthusiastic aganist Caesar. We will all miss our great Caesar but for now, you will all cry for Caesar to close him in with our cries.

Aquino, Aileen said...

Hello, brothers and sisters from another mother today I stand befor you to not trash and bury are beloved king but to prove justice. Brutus best friends of Julius so we though before the evil plot.

Everyone respects Brutus his so honorable and the man that surrounded his everymove are also honorable. Then again they lie to us just because thee haves power. I do not talk against Brutus ords but I shall give only the truth Julis are wonderful king has been murder an I can prove it. Anyone that feels the need of sharing tears do so now that the body of are king shall be respected. Look at this cape this ws murder and we shall punish thee. Why do you all look away and turn your backs Julius ws their for the poorr when they needed him so why for get. People always for get the good that goes with death while some only remember the sins one has commite why I ask? Why?

We need to observe this act before someone else is next to join the king help me listen to me I speak nobaly not as the rest. Ambition said Brutus the so called best friend of are king he was not ambitious ou tell me was he? He alays helped other at every expence he wwas nice to us a friend to me. Senates agree to say ambitious but I even tryed to give him a crown to be thee kng of Rome an he replied with a senseared no if I wre you I would say that shows his not what Brutus say. Why reward and not punish and you all wanted Caesar to be are king what has changed what? NOw, my heart is bury with caesar not till their is justice I shall not be the same till I know Julius is happy.

Darien said...

Um excuse me everybody! I didn't come here to say good things about Ceaser. I just came here to set some thongs straight. The bad things people do will be here but you forget about the good they do when they are burried. So it's the same with Ceasar. A good man named Brutus told you that Ceasar was self centered. Well if this is true than it must be a big mistake. And Ceasar has paid for that big mistake. I am here with the permission of Brutus and the rest of those men becausse Brutus is a good guy just like the rest of them. Ceasar was my friend he was faithful and trustworthy. But Brutus says that he was selfish. And Brutus is a good man! Ceasar brought a lot of people back home to Rome. Did this seem selfish? When the poor asked for help Ceasar gave it to them. But Brutus says that Ceasar was selfish. And Brutus is a good man. You all saw how I tried to give him the crown 3 times and he said no each time. Was this selfish?

Mr.Five said...

All my g's inn the building, i gotta tell y'all something. We killed his ignorant self, Caesar, because he is not a boss. His is an imbecile you will never look up to. A disgrace to our people. My bro brutus told you he was cool, but he not. He a fraud and you see what he suffered to. What Brutus says is of word. Whatever he says is correct because he is an honest man. He brung alot of people home, and when we faded, he faded as well. He was my friend. I trust in noble Brutus and I won"t disaprove anything he says. I speak the truth and I guess that's a foreign language to y'all. Men are acting like females. Therefore, I love Caesar. I pause and take a second to breathe.

MikiJ said...

Hey listen! I'm only here to put thsi guy Ceasar 6f.t. under. Nothing more. Nothing less. We all should know he wasn't a man of the best intensions. I say that evil will always live on while the good constantly is fading with all who still live by this ancient tradition that our age is so sorely lacking in. Brutus entailed that Ceasar was an ambitious man, sadly, that was a lie. Brutus is an ethical man. But Ceasar has now paid for his wrongs. Ceasar was my friend and he never treated me as anything less that feeling was mutual between us. And Ceasar was an ambitious man? Brutus is an ethical, and honorable, man. You know Ceasar couldn't of been a great ruler, ambitious rulers don't cry. But Brutus is an ethical, and honorable, man. When I gave the oppertunity for Ceasar to take the crown, did he take it? No, he rufused each and every time I offered. But Brutus, he's an honorable, and ethical, guy. I'm not here to say Brutus was wrong, I'm just here to bury Ceasar. With no reason at all you love our Ceasar, so what's stopping you from grieving now? Our current generation is loosing their respect and reason to honor something. Are we really that ignorant about those we look up to? I love Ceasar and I can't wait to stop MY grieving for his death.

J. Green said...

Silence!I came hear to put your fellow leader in the ground with the good and the bad. I killed your fellow leader because he was bring use down. So now I have to put him down in the dirt were he belongs. He is dirty he bring this apone him self killing him was the right thing to do. He was bring all of use down so now I have to bring him down. I know that you may cry but but I really dont care.

Kyle I said...

Everyone, listen to me. I came here to bury Caeser, not to commend him. The bad that people do does stay beheind after they die, but the good is taken with them to the grave. So let Caeser be. The noble Brutus told you that Caeser was agressive. If its true; its a mistake and Caeser has really paid for it. I have gotten the permession of Brutus to speak here, because him and all of his friends are distinguished men. And i only came here to spek at Caeser's funeral. Caeser was my friend, and was always a good friend to me. But Brutus said he was agressive, and Brustus is a distinguished man. Caeser brought many prisoners back to rome and their payoff filled our national treasury. Was this agressive? when the poor cried, Caeser cried.Agressivness should be tougher than that. BUt, Brutus said he was agressive, and he is a distinguished man. I offered Caeser a crown 3 times, and he refused all of them. Is that agressive? I'm just saying what I know. You all used to unconitionally love him for no reason. But now none of you care when he's dead? What has happened to all of you? But Caeser is dead know ad I will take a moment of scilence and wait for my heart to come back to me.

cassandra said...

Boys, Girls and Teacher listen to me;
I came here to bury Caesar not talk good about him.
The evil has been done you all will remember it but when the good are done you won’t remember it.
So let the bad be with Ceasar. The wise Brutus
Told you that Caesar was this and he was that. You believe what you guys through was great. Brutus would like to speak here at CaESAR