Sunday, May 15, 2011

What is your Plan?

Today, the day before we start our last unit of study for the year, we would like you to take this opportunity to think about what you have been doing this year and how it will impact your life in the big picture.

We would like you compose a 2 – 4 paragraph analysis of your work so far this year and your hopes for your career after high school.

In your comment, include the following:
  1. Assess your progress this year: did you accomplish everything that you wanted to? Why or why not? If you could have done something different, what would it be and why?
  2. What are your plans for after high school? Do you want to go to college, a trade school, or start working? Which professions are you interested in? If you are interested in going to college, what majors are you interested in and why?
  3. What are some steps you can take to make sure that you accomplish your goals? Have you put serious thought into these yet? If not, what can you do make sure you stay focused on accomplishing your dreams?
If you are interested in going to college, the website listed below will help you start the college process off right. The link to the site is:


m.delrossi said...

All this year, I have tried my hardest to pull in all my classes for an B. I am doing so great that i feel next year is college because it is a big step from 10-11th grade. All the work i've done up to this point is where i am going to be in college. The only thing that insprires me most is all my teachers saying that I will have a great life after college. I always wanted to be a chef so my college years are going to culinary arts for 3years. A lot of kids think college is easy and dont wanna go at all, but to me I think college is the next big thing to a great life. Colegge can get you somewhere where you never thought you will be in 7 years. i want to major in Bachelor Degree because that is the bedt degree i can shot for to own my own resturant. People think it is so easy to have/run your own resturant but its not. I already have a fast food job and its already hard remember where everything is and how to make the orders. When it comes to owning a resturant, it will be like living life just for that to happen. My greatses fear is that if i ever meet Emeral the famous chef. He can give me tips that i will always want to keep forever. I believe that college can be hard, but if you put all of your eford then you can make it out to the big world. You mighty stumble across some hard times but anybody who pushes themselves, then they can go through even more harder times. If you just believe in something that youo charish, you can do anything beyond that.

Alex R said...

So far my Sophmore year has been mostly fun, Junior and Senior year is when I'm going to try the most. Theirs nothing I would change about what I've done this year. Sometimes having fun is more important then anything else. After High School I might go to college but deffinatly not right away.

I plan to work right after High School and move out of NJ and go some place nice, somewhere near a good job and good school. If I went to college it would only be to help invent something. That is my main goal, invent something and become rich, it's the easiest way to become rich, still not very easy though, but deffinatly not alot of work. I don't wanna work my whole life, it wouldn't be worth living to me. Some steps to reaching that goal is to get my vocabulary up, I wanna read the dictionary front to back 100 times. Good speach is the key to a wealthy future. To stay focused on my dreams I need to practice making money as much as I can, and I also wanna learn stocks. If I make money and save good, I'll have the money to start a busniss or do what ever I want with it. My biggiest goal would just to be happy, I dont wanna go thru life stressing over work all the time, I only wanna work for 10 years max of my life, then I wanna enjoy the rest.

Unknown said...

i would say that after high school i would try to aply to florida state colledge. i want to graduate with a masters degree in buisness and to minor in law. i mean my big dream is to open up an automachanic shop. i kno it wont be fast and its not going to be easy but as they say gud things happin to people tha wait. other than that i wuld work will im in colledge and just go with the flow. (u feel me lol)

Sara-Ann D said...

This year I accomplished almost everything I wanted to. I wish I took my classes more serious and got better grades though. After high school I want to go to college. I want to go to college for as many years as I can so I can be as best as I can be at my dreams. I want to go to college to own a catering business. im not finished this blog entry yet..

d.o said...

This year i did alot of things and learned alot in all of the classes. it wzss hard but i worked threw everything and i showed everyone that i can work and get good grades. At the beggining i was doing pretty bad in english. to tell you the truth if i could change somethings i would change the way i acted and i would of worked harder because i know my highschool years well effect mi in the fture.

after highschool i would like to keep goig in school go to college and keep working at my career area.I would ofcourse not stop going to school because i know if i keep goin i would have better choices and more opertunities. in college i would actuall try to major in science and math. They are the best choices for mi becaause they would help mi and i need them in ma career area of auto tech.

I think some steps i can take to accomplish ma goals are to work alot harder and be on poin with all ma classes to get where i need to be. right now i have put serious thought into this because i really ned to think bout ma future and stop plain itz not gona be easy if i keep slcking off in ma classs