Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Reflect on the peer evaluation process in a 2 – 3 paragraphs. During your entry, please discuss the following:

Your initial thoughts when told someone would be reading your work

How viewing a peer’s essay will help you become a better writer

How viewing a peer’s essay will help the class become better writers

Your thoughts about doing peer evaluations throughout the year

What does all of this suggest about you as a student of English?

This may be shared with the class!

1 comment:

kahlil said...

when i heard that someone else was going too be readiing my work i was kinda afraid of what they were going to say because i dont like to fail i like to stirve in everything that i do. Reading someone elses essay helps me learn from there mistakes if the for a thesis it helps remind me to always put a thesis cause that decides if the person who is reading your essay will continue to read or will they stop. reading someones elses essay could also help the class because we are like a team and we learn from each other each person in this class knows something different from you and that helps you learn more.