Monday, November 21, 2011

Life in America - What does it all mean?

Now that you have completed organizing your thoughts about the three texts we have been working with, it is time to begin a “mini-compare/contrast” essay. However, rather than writing an essay, you are going to be composing a blog entry.

Your Task:
Compare and Contrast TWO of the three texts we have been working with by writing three paragraphs about the significance in the different views portrayed about America.

What to include:
The titles of the two texts you will compare and contrast.
1 paragraph about the similarities in the two texts.
1 paragraph about the differences in the two texts.
1 paragraph reflecting on what this (the fact that they are different) suggests about life in America. 


Brad Pitt said...

My name is Brad Pitt and I will be discussing the differences between the two texts....

Anonymous said...

The Poem Is Good!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it mean, about freedom and hope.

david crane said...

america is the land of dreams. If you wake up one day and you want to follow a dream in america you can. but this land of dreams can become a night mare over night. in america it is a dog eat dog. you have to fight your way to the top. you have endless changes to make it big. this land can become a paridice or a land of disapointment. some people think it is easy to make it in america but that is alittle misguided. most people dont know that you have to start at the bottom and work your way up. no one walks around giving out money. you have to work or sell to make money. in this land there are liars and cheats that will try to trick you. but you must out smart them.

jasana said...

the similarites of both poems is they're both talking about how america isnt the same,how its poor ,unfair,not able to live in because of racism towards the imigrants many people come here searching for stuff and search for opportunitys they wont have for example in one poem of

- it wouldnt let me write anymore because it kept erasing ! this is good enough i hope . .

Shpejtim Xhemajli said...

the similarties of the two poems are well they both have to be about freedom in america, and how to live the life in america. How people lived in america back then and how they live now with more freedom in america and back then they wanted more freedom. those are the two similarties.
The diffrences in the two texts are that in let america be america again there wishing that they had freedom and now in the new colossus the diffrences is that they have freedom and there welcoming people to the country of america " from her beacon hand glows world wide welcome " those are the two diffrences

romello turner said...

Both of the poems are similar in many ways. Both of the poems are speaking about the life of america present and in the past. these poems are about how america has affected people of our country and the loyalty of friendship and unity of america as a hole.
These poems are also different in there own way.

davyone holley said...

similarities are that they are both talking about america.And how it takes a flashback on what america was like in the past,and it was peaceful calm and stuff along that line.

differences of the two poems

Shpejtim Xhemajli said...

the similarties of the two poems are well they both have to be about freedom in america, and how to live the life in america. How people lived in america back then and how they live now with more freedom in america and back then they wanted more freedom. those are the two similarties.
The diffrences in the two texts are that in let america be america again there wishing that they had freedom and now in the new colossus the diffrences is that they have freedom and there welcoming people to the country of america " from her beacon hand glows world wide welcome " those are the two diffrences

kahlil watson said...

im am going to comepare the poems The New Colossus and Let America Be America Again. i am going to tell you some of the differences and the similarities.

The two poems are alike in many ways but first i a going to talk to you about the differences. The poem The New Colossus is about america and how it is a place that welcomes people from all over the world with a lady who is holding a torch and is looking over the horizon. The poem Let America Be America Again is about how america wasent always a happy place and they didnt always allow every one to come to America. Some people couldnt even go to the same schools, resturants, or water fountains. those are some of the differences about the two poems.

now that i have talked to you about the differences i am going to talk to you about the similarities. the two poems both tell the truth about america back then we werent united but now we are and we didnt always allow people to come into america. Also they both tell how america used to be

jazmine frazier said...

I am comparing and contrasting the two poems.First lets start off with how they are similar.Each of the poems talk about america.Also, they both talk about how people come to america to change their lives for the better.They are both similar in the sence of how everyone pictures america as this great place.Lastly, they are similar because they both are veiws on what you WANT america to be.
Now lets talk about the differences.They are different in the sense of how they veiw america.One poem is stating how america is such a great place while the other talks about how america isnt a great place at all and people ony Think it’s a great place.One peom talks about how america is a place of hope, dreams, love, and prosperity.However, the other poems talks about how america is actually a place of hate, despair, and ‘dog eat dog’.
The author of these poems have completely different veiws on america.This just shows us that not everyone sees things the same way.What may seem bad and treturous to one peerson, is this great beautiful thing to another person.It shows how everyone has their own veiws on life in general

kahlil watson said...

im am going to comepare the poems The New Colossus and Let America Be America Again. i am going to tell you some of the differences and the similarities.

The two poems are alike in many ways but first i a going to talk to you about the differences. The poem The New Colossus is about america and how it is a place that welcomes people from all over the world with a lady who is holding a torch and is looking over the horizon. The poem Let America Be America Again is about how america wasent always a happy place and they didnt always allow every one to come to America. Some people couldnt even go to the same schools, resturants, or water fountains. those are some of the differences about the two poems.

now that i have talked to you about the differences i am going to talk to you about the similarities. the two poems both tell the truth about america back then we werent united but now we are and we didnt always allow people to come into america. Also they both tell how america used to be

Shpejtim Xhemajli said...

the similarties of the two poems are well they both have to be about freedom in america, and how to live the life in america. How people lived in america back then and how they live now with more freedom in america and back then they wanted more freedom. those are the two similarties.
The diffrences in the two texts are that in let america be america again there wishing that they had freedom and now in the new colossus the diffrences is that they have freedom and there welcoming people to the country of america " from her beacon hand glows world wide welcome " those are the two diffrences

kahlil watson said...

im am going to comepare the poems The New Colossus and Let America Be America Again. i am going to tell you some of the differences and the similarities.

The two poems are alike in many ways but first i a going to talk to you about the differences. The poem The New Colossus is about america and how it is a place that welcomes people from all over the world with a lady who is holding a torch and is looking over the horizon. The poem Let America Be America Again is about how america wasent always a happy place and they didnt always allow every one to come to America. Some people couldnt even go to the same schools, resturants, or water fountains. those are some of the differences about the two poems.

now that i have talked to you about the differences i am going to talk to you about the similarities. the two poems both tell the truth about america back then we werent united but now we are and we didnt always allow people to come into america. Also they both tell how america used to be

Shpejtim Xhemajli said...

the similarties of the two poems are well they both have to be about freedom in america, and how to live the life in america. How people lived in america back then and how they live now with more freedom in america and back then they wanted more freedom. those are the two similarties.
The diffrences in the two texts are that in let america be america again there wishing that they had freedom and now in the new colossus the diffrences is that they have freedom and there welcoming people to the country of america " from her beacon hand glows world wide welcome " those are the two diffrences