Sunday, October 17, 2010

Does segregation exist today?

In order to properly comprehend this post, you must first have an understanding of the word segregation. There are several forms of segregation, but for our purposes segregation will be defined as “the enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment.” This means that people are forced to be separate from each other based on the color of their skin, religious views, or other factors. For example, white people would go to different schools than black people OR Christian people would not be allowed to go to the same schools as Jewish people.

Many people believe that segregation in this country ended during the 1960’s with Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement. However, many argue that segregation stills exists today. That is: certain groups of people are still essentially separate based on their race, skin color, religious views, sexual preferences or another factor (living areas, grocery stores, etc.)

Now, we all know that segregation is illegal today, but is segregation truly gone from our society?

Your task is to research this topic, and determine whether or not segregation still exists today. Use Google to find articles about this or talk about your own personal experiences. Reflect on your feelings about the topic, and provide examples that support your logic or reason. If you find that segregation does still exist, propose possible solutions for the problem. Post your comment below.


  • Proficient – 7+ sentences discussing your thoughts on “segregation today;” students supports his or her ideas with information found on web, experiences from own life, or other examples, all information is cited and explained thoroughly
  • Non-Proficient – less than 7 sentences, students thoughts are not supported by examples from life or Internet, no sources cited or explained


AlexR said...

I think that segregation has ended for a long time because no one is seperated on the bus or anywhere else. The research I did on the web about segregation shows that most people would agree with me, I didn't find anyone who thought it still exists.

Unknown said...

i think that segregation is wrong for every one. I am at place where i am not wanted so i leave but if i have a right to be there i will and that should go for everybody. Segregation is happenin every where and it should stop in my own belif i think it is wrong and it truely hurts people.

Madison D.R. said...

I think segregation does not still go on because nobody in my school are arguing or fighting over there race. Plus, My school has both, white&African Amercans. So if we still have segregation then it would be just a 1 race school. Also, if segregation was still on, they wouldn't let black people live near white people. Or have white go to the same school as African Americans.

SaraDenglishccts said...

Yes, segregation still exists in certain places. I think they should make it against the law to have slaves because it is not right. They are just like us just a different color or have different religous points of view or race.

J. Let's Go Harvey said...

My friends and I went to a Riversharks baseball game late evening yesterday. We did the usual, buy dogs, drink pepsi, and flirt with girls. The fun just didn't stop. The conversation with the females went fluently, sorta like oil thru a car engine. Our minds were full of topic, flowing like rivers on a hot thirsty day.

Until , Jeff my closest friend, accidentally spilled his pepsi on one of the girls' lap. She blasted off! She was as mad as a bull in a rodeo. "What are you, a idiot ?!" she said as she walked off with the rest of her girlfriends. "Wait!" Jeff yelled before they culd zoom out of sight. "Can I get your number?"